MI Bike, short for Michigan Bike, is here to help bring awesomeness to SE Michigan through mountain bike races and clinics. We hope to advance cycling in the midwest through clinics and programing on a local level and showcase the tremendous trail networks that have developed through the hard work of our cycling community. Find out more at MI Bike.
We need your help! There are many ways to get involved with the local trials and mountain biking community.
Vounteer for the race! We need volunteers to help with parking, registration, scoring, race sweeps and various other things. We are also looking for a few volunteers for the clinics on Friday and Saturday. Perks include being the envy of your friends and other things. Perhaps snacks. Endless appreciation for sure.
August 20th will be a family / kids race with 40 people registered! The race will start at 12:30 and will be 5 stages on Winn. Kids 10 and under are required to have a parent riding with them, but we still need people out on trail to help things along.
The evening of August 20th we will be having a long jump competition at Robin Hills Farm (just north of Chelsea). We need a couple of folks to help score this event. It should be an exciting job!
August 21st will be the adult race with the Men's Sport registration opening at 8:00, Women's race at 9:30 and Men's Open at 11:45. We have electronic scoring this year but would still love to have people on trail and also could use help at registration and parking.
Do you have a business and would like to become a sponsor? We have a few levels, and can also customize something for you. Contact us.
$1000 - logo on website, registration banner and t-shirts, mention on social media, plus exclusivity and tent set up.
$650 - logo on website, registration banner and t-shirts, mention on social media.
$300 - logo on website, registration banner and t-shirts.
$100 add on for tent set up.
Here are our awesome sponsors. If you would like to be a sponsor, visit the sponsor page for more info or contact us.